Smart valve controller for SVC100/ TS series spray valves. I/O, Memory, LCD Display
Smart valve controller for PC Pump dispensing valves. I/O, Ethernet, Touch Screen.
Smart valve controller for TS5000 and DMP auger valves. I/O, Ethernet, Touch Screen.
Smart valve controller for TS5520, TS5540 series spray valves. I/O, Ethernet, Touch Screen.
Smart valve controller for pinch, needle, diaphragm & spool valves. I/O, Ethernet, Touch Screen.
Digital valve controller for air operated valves. With timer. Footswitch or remote cycling.
Valve Controllers
Digital valve controller units provide function over all metering valves. From repeat micro deposits to continuous beads, controllers can be operated by foot switch or linked to a remote source, such as a PLC. We offer 3 different controllers for use with dispense valves. The TS250 unit is a budget controller. The TS350 controller features a higher level of timer control and memory storage and the TS500R controller is used for all valves including the spray valves and auger valves.
Adhesive Dispensing Ltd provide a wide range of equipment options for dispensing almost all assembly fluids - from watery liquids, solvents, primers and activators through to thick pastes, sealants, silicones, gels and epoxies.