Please feel free to call our Sales Number: +44 (0) 1908 686660 Hours 9am to 5.30pm GMT Or from overseas call: +44 (0) 1908 686661
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Welcome to Adhesive Dispensing Ltd

To open a credit account, please contact our accounts department and we'll fax you application forms or place your order on this site and we'll contact you back.  We offer 30 day payment terms from invoice date. Once the account forms are completed and received back to us, we can usually setup the account within 48 hours.

We also accept credit and debit cards by phone or fax. Purchase orders made on this site without a credit card will generate an invoice being emailed requesting payment for non account customers. For existing account customers, an order received on this website will be processed against the PO number used and goods will be shipped at the earliest opportunity.  We do not send goods out against a purchase order (non pre-payment) for customers who have not completed our account application.

Online transactions on our website are SSL encrypted for secure processing and total security.  We do not see or store your credit card information once your transaction is processed and shipped as this is done by our credit card merchant automatically.  Please read our privacy agreement and terms for more information.

We can hold specific individual stock for account customers placing call-off orders to guarantee next day delivery for all items.  Please contact us direct to discuss how we might be able to assist with account ordering subject to credit approval.

Email or phone us on +44 (0) 1908 639075 or fax to +44 (0) 1908 686836.